MTPP_TWR Port-au-Prince Tower 118.300 MHz
MTPP_APP Port-au-Prince Approach 119.800 MHz (Non-Surveillance)
MTCH_TWR Cap Haitien Tower 118.700 MHz
MTEG_CTR Port-au-Prince Control 126.900 MHz (Non-Surveillance)
Airspace centered on PAP/VOR , limited to the north at 15 km by a parallel to the runway axis , to the south at 7.5 km by a parallel to the runway axis , to the east by an arc of 15 km to the west by an arc of 22 km.
N180732 W0724135 - ARC 35NM PAP/DME - N185853 W0715204 – LIMITS FIR HAITI/REP. DOM. - N1700 W07140 - N1700 W07300 - N182136 W0714410 – ARC 35 NM PAP DME - N180805 W0715402 - N180732 W0724135
N180732 W0724135 - ARC 35NM PAP/DME - N185853 W0715204 – LIMITS FIR HAITI/REP. DOM. - N1700 W07140 - N1700 W07300 - N182136 W0714410 – ARC 35 NM PAP DME - N180805 W0715402 - N180732 W0724135
Circle of 25 NM center upon N194357.590 W0721141.320
N2025 W07300 - N2025 W07140 - N1700 W07140 - N1700 W07300 - N1830 W07500 - N2000 W07320 - N2025 W07300