Line Manager: Division Director and Assistant Director (DIR/ADIR)
Description: Responsible for managing and carrying out all event related activities for a specific division.
Events Coordinator and Events Assistant Coordinator (EC and EAC)
- Innovate and develop new event ideas and concepts at divisional level.
- Plan and organise divisional events having defined a clear event idea/concept.
- Coordinate events with other relevant divisional departments.
- Publish and promote events at divisional level (forum, social media, Discord, etc).
- Plan and organise official IVAO Events.
- Ensure all booked events are in the IVAO Calendar.
- Request the Events Support Award, where necessary.
- Plan and organise IVAO Public Demonstration Events.
- Plan and organise weekly divisional Online Day events.
- Provide the HQ Events Department with any updates or changes about the divisional department.
- Review and assess User Event proposals and requests, including checking their viability and that they comply with the IVAO Rules and Regulations.
- Maintenance of the divisional events website (if available).
- Provide support and answer events related questions at a divisional level.
- Plan, organize, and execute Divisional Tours (if requested by Division Headquarters).
Events Advisors (EAx)
The Divisional Events Advisors assists the Events Coordinators in the above tasks.