Line Manager: Division Director and Assistant Director (DIR/ADIR)
Description: Responsible for managing and carrying out all membership related activities for a specific division.
Membership Coordinator and Membership Assistant Coordinator (MC and MAC)
- Manage and oversee the general activities of the divisional Membership Department.
- Ensure the daily operations of the divisional Membership Department are running efficiently.
- Ensure the department activities are in accordance with the network policies and standards.
- Establish and maintain streamlined communication within the department (eg. hosting regular meetings).
- Establish and maintain streamlined communication with other departments for projects of common interest.
- Establish and maintain streamlined communication with the regional HQ contact (MAx) for the benefit of the department’s performance.
- Ensure proper workload distribution within the department and carry out regular activity audits.
- Manage the membership team human resources under supervision and approval of the Division HQ (eg. selective processes, appointments, trial reviews, disappointments, etc).
- Provide full training, tools and access for new MAx and monitor its performance.
- Create, develop, execute and implement membership related projects within the division.
- Ensure proper observance and accomplishment of all applicable Membership HQ circulars, procedures and memorandums within the division.
- Acknowledge and execute any related task or recommendation upon request of the regional HQ contact (MAx).
- Ensure the development of proper resources to welcome and maintain new division members.
- Maintenance and update of the database of IVAO members in the division.
- Manage divisional award assignments.
- Handle account update queries.
- Forward reports for possible fake and/or double accounts to Membership HQ.
- Actively participate in the department and general division meetings.
- Provide members with support on all membership related matters and respond to messages, emails and requests, from within or outside the department, in a timeframe of 48h maximum.
- Accomplish any other delegated task deemed necessary by the Division HQ.
Membership Advisors (MAx)
- Develop, execute and implement membership related projects within the division upon delegation from the MC/MAC.
- Manage divisional award assignments.
- Handle account update queries.
- Maintenance and update of the database of IVAO members in the division.
- Forward reports for possible fake and/or double accounts to Membership HQ.
- Actively participate in the department and general division meetings.
- Provide members with support on all membership related matters and respond to messages, emails and requests, from within or outside the department, in a timeframe of 48h maximum.
- Accomplish any other delegated task deemed necessary by the Division HQ.