Line Manager: Executive Director for Local Services (EXDL) and Executive Assistant for Local Services (Supervisors) (EXAS)
Description: Responsible for representing the Executive Council by ensuring the IVAO Rules, Regulations and Policies are adhered to on the network.
- Represent the Executive Council on the network.
- Follow all Supervisor requirements, procedures and guidelines.
- Act impartially and objectively at all times.
- Ensure IVAO Rules,Regulations and Policies are adhered to on the network.
- As a measure of last resort, and where all other options have failed, apply suspensions to users who violate the IVAO Rules and Regulations whilst on IVAN.
- Handle .wallop messages from users.
- Assist divisions in monitoring their events.
- Solve conflicts between users whilst on IVAN.
- For all supervisor actions, write the relevant reports, including those reports as required by forced disconnections and suspensions
- Where beneficial, e-mail divisional teams to assist with user development following interactions with users on IVAN.
- Retain and then provide the required evidence to Local Services when requested.