Divisional Special operations Departments are a divisions authority on special operations with their division. This document outlines how to establish and run a SO-department and their responsibilities.
A SO-department is seen as active with a SOC and a current SO order published on the SO-HQ website.
The decision to appoint a SOC is the division's HQ and not the responsibility of SO-HQ but SO-HQ is able to support division directors in this process.
Below are some task that SO HQ can assist division directors in,
It is the responsibility of a division (HQ) to ensure familiarity with the SO regulations and to ensure compliance and to report any issue to a network supervisor or SQ-HQ.
The division is to develop a SO order as per Special Operations Instruction No. 4.
The Divisions HQ is to approve and manage Special operation groups from their division, via the SO-HQ portal.
4.Processing of requests from IVAO users registered elsewhere to perform SO flights within the respective division.
The division shall process any requests from users registered in another division and add their VID the divisions SO order.
A SOC shall develop a manual for controlling military units and other SO units within their division. If a division wishes they can adopt the SO-HQ manual for their division and provide a minor adjustment if needed.
The SOC shall work with the divisions webmaster to develop and maintain a section on the division website. They shall also provide a suitable place for the division SO community to communicate such as the forum.
To develop any documents that the division staff believe is required for the SO community within their division.
The SOC shall ensure that SO has a present within their division and that their division members understand how to get involved in SO.
The SOC shall ensure they are active within their division SO community and that they promptly reply to questions from their division members.
The division shall hold at least 2 SO events per year and at least 1 shall be an international Event.
These events shall be planned and conducted as per Special Operations Instruction No. 6.
A Special Operations Coordinator is responsible to maintain airport and centers, information of military airfields in their division, including FRA’s on the IVAO data site (data.ivao.aero).
Please note that the responsibility to set the airports/centers within your division as military is that of your division ATC operations coordinator and/or Directors.
A Special Operations Coordinator is responsible to establish and maintain special areas for the use by the SO community.
These areas shall be established as per Special Operations Instruction No. 4 and with coordination with the rest of the divisional departments.
A Special Operations Coordinator is also allowed to post NOTAMS in the IVAO data site that relates to Special Operations.
Ver. | Date | Name | Overview of change(s) |
1.0 | 22 July 2024 | Jan Weil (IVAO-SOAD) | Migration to the Wiki |