This article presents Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) terminology as the standard for use in ATFM communication.
Acronym | Term | Definition |
AAR | Airport Acceptance Rate | Arrival capacity of an airport normally expressed in movements per hour |
ADR | Airport Departure Rate | Departure capacity of an airport normally expressed in movements per hour |
ASD | Aircraft Situation Display | ATC Aircraft/Traffic Situation Display |
AFIX | Arrival Fix | A waypoint during the arrival phase of a flight. In the context of ATFM it could be a waypoint where an ATFM Measure may be applied |
CDM | Collaborative Decision-Making | Process which allows decisions to be taken by amalgamating all pertinent and accurate sources of information, ensuring that the data best reflects the situation as known, and ensuring that all concerned stakeholders are given the opportunity to influence the decision. This in turn enables decisions to best meet the operational requirements of all concerned. |
CDR | Conditional Route | ATS route that is available for flight planning and use under specific conditions |
DFIX | Departure Fix | The first published fix/waypoint used after departure of a flight. |
DMAN | Departure Manager | A planning system to improve the departure flows at an airport by calculating the Target Take-Off Time (TTOT) and Target Startup Approval Time (TSAT) for each flight, taking multiple constraints and preferences into account |
FCA | Flow Constrained Area | A sector of airspace where normal flows of traffic are constrained, which could be caused by weather, military exercise etc. |
FMP | Flow Management Position | A position in any ATCC that monitors traffic flows and implements or requests ATFM measures to be implemented |
GDP | Ground Delay Program | ATFM process where aircraft are held on the ground in order to manage capacity and demand in a specific volume of airspace or at a specific airport. In the process departure times are assigned and correspond to available entry slots into the constrained airspace or arrival slots into the constrained airport |
GS | Ground Stop | A tactical ATFM measure where some selected aircraft remain on the ground |
MINIT | Minutes in Trail | A tactical ATFM measure expressed as the number of minutes required between successive aircraft. It is normally used in airspace without air traffic surveillance or when transitioning from surveillance to non-surveillance airspace, or even when the spacing interval is such that it would be difficult for a sector controller to measure it in terms of miles |
MIT | Miles in Trail | A tactical ATFM measure expressed as the number of miles required between aircraft (in addition to the minimum longitudinal requirements) to meet a specific criterion which may be separation, airport, fix, altitude, sector or route specific. MIT is used to organize traffic into manageable flows as well as to provide space to accommodate additional traffic (merging or departing) in the existing traffic flows. It will never be less than the separation minima. |
RFIX | En-route Fix | A waypoint during the en-route phase of a flight. In the context of ATFM it could be a waypoint where an ATFM Measure may be applied |
SUB | Slot swapping | The ability to swap departure slots gives AUs the possibility to change the order of flight departures that should fly in a constrained area |
Acronym | Term | Definition |
SOBT | Scheduled Off Block Time | The time that an aircraft is scheduled to depart from the parking position |
EOBT | Estimated Off Block Time | The estimated time that an aircraft will start movement associated with departure |
TOBT | Target Off - Block Time | The time that an aircraft Operator or Ground handler estimates that an aircraft will be ready to start up/pushback immediately upon reception of clearance from the tower. |
TSAT | Target Start Up Approval Time | The time provided by ATC taking into account TOBT, CTOT and/or the traffic situation that an aircraft can expect start up/push back approval |
COBT | Calculated Off Block Time | A time calculated and issued by the ATFM Unit, as a result of tactical slot allocation, at which a flight is expected to push back/vacate the parking position so as to meet a CTOT taking into account start and taxi time. |
AOBT | Actual Off Block Time | The time the aircraft pushes back/vacates the parking position (Equivalent to Airline / Handlers ATD – Actual Time of Departure & ACARS=OUT) |
STOT | Scheduled Take Off Time | The estimated take off time derived from an aircraft operators schedule, typically based on a standard taxi-out time |
PTOT | Planned Take Off Time | The time the aircraft is expected to take off derived from the flight plan. |
TTOT | Target Take Off Time | The Target Take off Time taking into account the TOBT/TSAT plus Estimated Taxi-Out Time |
CTOT | Calculated Take Off Time | A time calculated and issued by the ATFM Unit, as a result of tactical slot allocation, at which a flight is expected to become airborne |
ETOT | Estimated Take Off Time | The Estimated take off time taking into account EOBT plus Estimated Taxi-Out Time |
ATOT | Actual Take Off time | The time that an aircraft takes off from the runway (Equivalent to ATC ATD–Actual Time of Departure, ACARS = OFF) |
SEET | Scheduled Estimated En-route Time | The estimated elapsed time of a flight derived from the aircraft operators schedule |
ETO | Estimated Time Over | Estimated time at which an aircraft would be over a fix, waypoint or particular location typically where air traffic congestion is expected |
CTO | Calculated Time Over | Time calculated and issued by the ATFM Unit, as a result of tactical slot allocation, at which a flight is expected to be over a fix, waypoint or particular location typically where air traffic congestion is expected (referred to in FIXM 2.0 as "Airspace Entry Time - Controlled") |
PLDT | Planned Landing Time | The expected landing time of a flight derived from the flight plan |
SLDT | Scheduled Landing Time | Block Time (SIBT) and a standard taxi-in time |
TLDT | Target Landing Time | Targeted Time from the Arrival Management process at the Threshold, taking runway sequence and constraints into account; progressively refined planning time used to coordinate between arrival and departure management processes |
CLDT | Calculated Landing Time | A landing time calculated and issued by the ATFM unit, as a result of tactical slot allocation at which a flight is expected to land on a runway |
ELDT | Estimated Landing Time | The estimated time that an aircraft will touch-down on the runway (equivalent to ETA) |
ALDT | Actual Landing Time | Actual time an aircraft lands on a runway (Equivalent to ATC ATA –Actual Time of Arrival = landing, ACARS=ON) |
SIBT | Scheduled In Block Time | The time that an aircraft is scheduled to arrive at its first parking position. |
CIBT | Calculated In Block Time | An in block time calculated and issued by the ATFM unit, as a result of tactical slot allocation at which a flight is expected to be at its first parking position. |
AIBT | Actual in block time | The time that an aircraft arrives in-blocks (Equivalent to Airline/Handler ATA – Actual Time of Arrival, ACARS = IN) |
Phase of Flight | Scheduled | Flight Plan | Target (Airline) | Target (ANSP) | ATFM Measure | Estimated | Actual |
Off Block time (OBT) | SOBT | EOBT | TOBT | TSAT | COBT | - | AOBT |
Take-off time (TOT) | STOT | PTOT | - | TTOT | CTOT | ETOT | ATOT |
En-route Elapsed Time (EET) | SEET | EET | - | - | - | - | - |
Time Over (TO) | - | - | - | - | CTO | ETO | - |
Landing Time (LDT) | SLDT | - | - | TLDT | CLDT | ELDT | ALDT |
In-Block Time (IBT) | SIBT | - | - | - | CIBT | - | AIBT |