The flight strip management for ATC is an important point in order to ensure aircraft management and improve safety when controlling.
In real aviation, a flight strip is a small strip of paper used to track a flight in air traffic control (ATC).
It is still used in modern ATC as a quick way to annotate a flight, to keep a legal record of the instructions that were issued, to allow other controllers to see instantly what is happening and to pass this information to other controllers who go on to control the flight.
In the modern ATC, the use of paper flight strips disappears to be replaced by electronic flight strips displayed on specific computers.
The flight strip contains the extract of flight plan data plus some extra labels.
In IVAO, a flight strip is represented like this:
An example of a real flight strip:
We present you one type of flight strip, but there are several layouts available around the world. IVAO has selected one of those.
Labels are data inserted in a flight strip by the air traffic controller in order to help him to:
The labels are located in the zone highlighted by the red square.
In the example below, labels are 060 and LUGEN:
After inserting the labels, the aircraft representation on radar will be:
In the example below, labels are empty:
ATC shall maintain only necessary current data on the strip and remove the label from the flight strip when no longer required for control purposes.
We advise you to select the option "Remove clearance on RELEASE" in the label route options.
There are 2 labels in a flight strip:
- Waypoint label
- Flight level or altitude label
In our example:
In this chapter, we will present only the approach or departure point of view.
When controlling IFR aircraft, you shall verify at first contact that the waypoint and flight level or altitude labels are compatible with the departure given.
These labels are very important for an approach controller and/or a departure controller in order to anticipate the potential separation loss.
For VFR aircraft, the label is important in order to know where the aircraft is going in order to anticipate any potential future conflict in the tower area.
During climb, the controller will give climbing clearance to the aircraft.
The controller shall update the label with the cleared fix and altitude in order to send information of the clearance given for the next controller.
Note: If there is no next controller, the controller can use labels for himself in order to increase the security of the traffic under his responsibility.
As an approach controller, you will receive the IFR aircraft from the en-route controller. The label should already have been inserted by the en-route controller.
You could have this type of example:
In the example, there are two aircraft performing STAR MANAK1 inserted in the waypoint label. The first one has a cleared descent down to FL080 and the second one has a cleared descent down to FL200.
These labels can be used to:
As an approach controller, you must fill the labels for the final approach phase of each flight in order to communicate information to the next controller (tower controller).
You could have this type of example:
In our examples, you can see the "020" clearance which is 2000ft descent clearance to the final interception altitude. You can also see the "ILS03" label which is stating that the aircraft will perform an ILS approach on runway 03. These are examples; other labels can be made and decided upon between active controllers.
In some areas, the approach controller can or shall vector the aircraft in order to make a regulation sequence or optimize the traffic flow.
In the examples below, there are different types of labels which can be used for tagging these aircraft which are under radar control by one air traffic controller: