ATC instruction for low altitude warning:
ATC instruction for terrain alert:
In this paragraph, the term "point" is used only in the context of naming the 8.33 kHz channel spacing concept and does not constitute any change to existing ICAO provisions or phraseology regarding the use of the term "decimal".
Instruction to request confirmation of 8.33 kHz capability:
Instruction to indicate 8.33 kHz capability:
Instruction to indicate lack of 8.33 kHz capability:
Instruction to request status in respect of 8.33 kHz exemption:
Instruction to indicate 8.33 kHz exempted status:
Instruction to indicate 8.33 kHz non-exempted status:
Instruction to indicate that a certain clearance is given because otherwise a non-equipped and/or non-exempted aircraft would enter airspace of mandatory carriage (of 8.33 kHz equipment):
ATC instruction to ascertain RVSM approval status of an aircraft:
Pilot answer to report RVSM approved status or non-approved status followed by supplementary information:
ATC instruction to report RVSM non-approved status followed by supplementary instruction:
Pilot report when severe turbulence affects the capability of an aircraft to maintain height-keeping requirements for RVSM:
Pilot report that the equipment of an aircraft has degraded below minimum aviation system performance standards:
ATC Instruction to request an aircraft to provide information as soon as RVSM-approved status has been regained or the pilot is ready to resume RVSM operations:
ATC Instruction to request confirmation that an aircraft has regained RVSM-approved status or a pilot is ready to resume RVSM operations:
Pilot instruction to report ability to resume RVSM operations after an equipment or weather-related contingency:
Information of visual aids given by ATC:
Information of navigation aids status given by ATC:
Pilot and ATC phraseology to establish a status of GNSS:
ATC instruction to ask aircraft transponder capability:
Pilot answer to previous instruction from ATC:
Pay attention that this phraseology is only related to ground personnel which assist pilots during the start phase of a flight. This phraseology should not be used by regular ground and tower ATC. This phraseology is given as an example. It can be used for specific management of some very specific events in IVAO.
Ground personnel and pilot exchange about starting engine procedure:
The ground crew should follow this exchange by either a reply on the intercom or a distinct visual signal to indicate that all is clear and that the start-up as indicated may proceed. Unambiguous identification of the parties concerned is essential in any communications between ground crew and pilots.
Ground personnel and pilot exchange during pushback procedure:
Ground personnel (iceman) and pilot exchange prior to de-icing:
Ground personnel (iceman) and pilot exchange upon concluding de-icing procedure:
Note: Anti-icing code example: A de-icing/anti-icing procedure in which the last step is the use of a mixture of 75% of a Type II fluid and 25% water, commencing at 13:35 local time, is recorded as follows: TYPE II/75 13:35 (followed by complete name of anti-icing fluid)