Welcome to the ATC Operations Wiki for IVAO. By navigating through the menus on the left, you will find a plethora of information relating to ATC Operations on the network. This includes information on inactive divisions, department policies and other information, as well as useful tools for Division Staff.
If you have any questions about the content of the wiki please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at a-srdep@ivao.aero.
📋 - Department Information - Detailed policies and procedures relating to the running of ATC Operations on IVAO.
🗞 - HQ Regulated Airspace and Areas Without Division - Information on HQ Regulated Airspace and published local procedures for aerodromes in inactive divisions.
🛠 - Tools For The Job - A selection of tools and resources for division ATC Operations Staff to use in the conduct of their role.
📚 - Recommended Practices for Immersion - A selection of tips that will help you provide the most realistic and immersive experience as an ATCO.
📌 - NOTAM - Guidelines and recommendations.
👥 - HQ ATC Group - The IVAO Headquarters ATC Group is a group of highly trained ATCs, whose task is to assist the divisons and non-divisions during trainings, exams controllers or of participate in events.