This document describes how to properly configure your IVAO ATC Software Aurora according to your preferences for the version:
Tip: Sector screen will automatically close after loading sector files. If you wish to keep it open, use the pin on the top right.
Aurora has three sections: title bar, nav bar, and the plan view display (PVD).
⚙️ The cog-wheel button will allow you to set your login settings.
🔽The dropdown icon opens a list of all possible ATC station that can be used.
Once you have a login selected you can click Save, then click Connect to go online.
Hide SUP/ADM rating: Used by supervisors or network admins to have rating hidden when connected.
Connect to Artifice: Used for Tower views. Read more here in the artifice manual.
Connect voice: Must be selected in order for pilots to join your frequency. A voice server will automatically selected based on the lowest latency. Clicking on the dropdown icon reveals a list of voice servers and their latency measured in miliseconds (ms).
The 3 voice servers are:
located in europe.
located in southeast asia.
located in brazil..
Hoppie: Used to enter CPDLC logon code. Read more about it here.
Auto Zoom (Magnifying glass)
Zooms to or Selects Traffic transmitting on frequency.
Radar Icon
User Lists
Observer | ATC |
When online as Observer, instead of the station frequency, you might see the Station Name.
This means that this station is outside of your range.
You can use the pushpin on the User List to separate it from the VHF Window.
Located under PVD > Settings > VHF Radio
MIC Input: Select your microphone
Amplifier: Increases volume. Value is set in decibal and increases exponentially. We recommend to leave it at 0.0 and adjust your mic volume via the operating system.
Speaker output: Select your output device.
Intercom: Select your output device for ATC intercom calls
Push to transmit: set your push to talk keybind. Recommended for beginners are shift or control keybinds.
Equipment: Specify which radio type you wish to simulatoe for pilots hearing you.
Elevation: Simulate a higher antenna altitude.
Local test: Toggle on and press your push to talk to listen to your input device. A green bar should appear indicating the volume.
If you don't hear yourself and you don't see a green bar ➡️ Your input device is not working.
If you don't hear yourself but you see a green bar ➡️ Your output device is not working.
Each equipment has different filters so they sound different. You can try each one and choose the one you like the most, or browse through the list below and choose the real receiver used in the real world.
All receivers are used worldwide, below you can find the most popular uses.
General Dynamics
This section is split into two seperate bars: Preferences and Menu.
ATIS Active: toggle ATIS on or off
ATIS letter: starts at A and updates automatically each time the ATIS info is changed or weather report updates.
STATIC: Set manual ATIS letter. Will not auto-update.
ATC Radio callisgn: Fetched from IVAO ATC database.
TMA ATIS: Terminal Maneuvering Area (TMA) can only be toggled by APP/DEP ATC. Used if multiple airports are serviced. Disables individual airport runway information.
ICAO airport code: Fetched from ATC callsign but can be changed. Used to get airport METAR.
Arrival runways: Enter runways seperated by spaces.
Departure runways: Enter runways seperated by spaces.
Transition Level: Can be toggled on/off. Value must be indicated in flight levels.
Transition Altitude: Can be toggled on/off. Value must be indicated in feet.
Remarks: Located at the bottom right. ATC can enter custom remarks.
Preview area: Located in the top right previews the entire ATIS information.
Cancel: Close ATIS window without saving.
Send: Save ATIS info.
Voice ATIS
The COM Box may have up to eight tabs:
anywhere in the com box. ATC frequencies are provided via sectorfiles upon position selection automatically.When pressing the ATC button, it opens a new window, where we can see ATC or Observers online, near our station (based on Range and Center Point). Here, you have five (5) columns:
On the title of the window, you can see the total number of connections being displayed. In this case (5).
You can use the filtering options to customize your ATC window.
When using the FIND box:
- If FILTER is selected, It will filter the ATC positions and only display those matching with your search.
- If FILTER is not selected, It will search for the exact phrase and highlight ATC positions matching your search.
- For example, if you wish to only see airport EHAM positions. Then, you should have the FILTER on and write EHAM to the find box. (left picture)
- Or, if you wish to highlight EHAM positions. Then, you should have the FILTER off and write EHAM to the find box. (right picture)
You can filter multiple stations by putting a space between.
- So writing AM BK EH will filter all positions for EHAM, EHBK and EHEH
- Multi Filter will not work when FILTER option is off. You can only search for exact phrases.
In this window, we have a general/basic flight strip display with information regarding the selected aircraft.
The first column shows UGGG as the destination, I as IFR flight, then 2000 for the transponder code selected by the pilot.
The second column shows F390 as the final Flight Level (FL), MD11 H as aircraft type and category, M083 as speed, and UGSB as the alternate airport.
The third column shows CWC552 as the aircraft callsign, and Challenge Cargo as a reminder for the radio callsign, LGKR as the departing airport, and 2150 as the departure time.
The fourth column shows the Flight Plan (FPL) route, and underneath is the other info or remarks section (Item 18 of FPL).
In addition to the above description, at the bottom there is a row where ATC can write information into the aircraft TAG:
Writing information in any of these boxes, and then pressing the “tick” button or just hitting “enter” on the keyboard, will send the information. When pressing the “DEL” button, all information will be removed from the aircraft tag.
There is a SQK box, meaning Squawk (Transponder), where ATC can assign a transponder code, so when selecting a new aircraft, and hitting the REQ SSR button, the client will automatically assign a new transponder code, based on the last one used.
The PM Button will open a private chat tab in the COM window, to talk with the pilot in private.
The TRFC LIST button expands the TRAFFIC window and will display aircraft based on the buttons selected below: DEP for Departures, ARR for Arrivals, OVER for Overfly, and UNCO for uncontrolled (not assumed). All this will be based on what is selected in the AIRPORTS window.
On the Traffic Manager window, you can see three columns. Each representing DEP (Departure), ARR (Arrival) or OVER (Overfly) based on your controlled airports from the Airports Menu.
If U button is Bold, this means Uncontrolled Traffic will be displayed.
DEP COLUMN is divided into 8 sub-parts being:
On the title of the OUTBOUND window you can see the total number of aircrafts being displayed.
In this case (6).
ARR COLUMN is divided to 8 sub parts being:
On the title of the INBOUND window you can see the total number of aircrafts being displayed.
In this case (6).
OVER COLUMN is divided to 8 sub parts being:
On the title of the OVERFLY window you can see the total number of aircrafts being displayed.
In this case (2).
The window is split into two main columns, where the one on the left displays airports, based on sector file information. When an airport is selected in the list underneath, full METAR for that station (if available) will be displayed. In addition, for those stations with a valid METAR, QNH and wind information will be shown.
When controlling an airport, or more, first you must select that airport “as controlled” by clicking the funnel in the C column. You can select the “crossed runways” icon (R), to let the system choose the active runway automatically. The magnifying glass icon (Z) will focus the main radar screen over that airport. The V column is for toggling on the VFR waypoints for that airport and the M column for toggling the MRVA.
The right column is split into two sections. The top section refers to runways of the selected airport (on the left). RWY indicates Runway number, CRS indicates Runway course (magnetic). P shows advise on which runway should be selected for the active runway (automatically selected by the system), D is where you can set the departure runways and A to select the arrival runways.
On the bottom of the screen, you can see 5 buttons and a FIND box:
Between the runways and arrival/departure procedures window, you will see 8 buttons:
IAP : Displays INITIAL APPROACH procedures when active, for the selected runway.
FAP : Displays FINAL APPROACH procedures when active, for the selected runway.
GA : Displays GO AROUND procedures when active, for the selected runway.
Departure Transitions, if you have TRANS button activated above.
If the runway is selected for Arrival, you will see:
Arrival Transitions, if you have the TRANS button activated above.
Initial Approach Procedures (IAP), if you have the IAP button activated above.
Final Approach Procedures (FAP),if you have the FAP button activated above.
Go Around Procedures (GA), if you have the GA button activated above.
When assigning Gates to aircraft, you can remove any gate assignment by deselecting any aircraft that was selected and press the sign icon.
- T column, left of the Gate ID, shows the Type of Gate. L for Light, M for Medium, H for Heavy or S for Super
Profiles are text files where different settings are saved, to make save setting everything again, the next time you log on. When pressing this menu option, a dropdown list with three (3) options is shown:
It’s important to note, that the system will not save the profile when exiting, so make sure to press F4 each time you make an important change (FIX selection, zoom, etc), so the profile will be saved.
Opens the Sector File window where you can download (right column), load (left column folder icon), delete (left column X icon) or enable/disable Auto Update of your desired Sector File.
Sector screen will automatically close after opening sector files. If you wish to keep it open, use the pushpin on the top right.
Opens the Color Scheme editor where you can define different colors, open and save profiles. Remember to press “APPLY” for changes to take effect.
Opens the Sound settings where you can choose your Output Device, mute/unmute sounds or decrease/increase volume of notifications. These sounds refer to the files in the Sounds folder, with specific filenames.
Here you can change the main settings, all of them are explained below.
To activate the label editor, go to PVD → SETTINGS → LABELS, choose label type from DYNAMIC (that is the standard label) to the STATIC that is the editable one. After that, to customize them, choose OPEN on Static Label Editor
Label editor:
On the label editor, there are three situations: NORMAL, ASSUMED and SELECTED. On each one, you have the options to activate all types of labels, such as:
You may change the label positions by moving with the mouse or with precision, by right-clicking on the label and moving it.
Regarding FRAME, there are some options
By that, you can edit the label boundaries as it says.
When having a traffic assumed, Def. Label will show these informations if active:
By that, you can name what will the labels be named
E.g. Instead of showing wpt, you can change to hdg for example, changing the name on the label itself and so on.
To allow dynamic moving on STATIC labelling and to make them be on the same line, use LINK. That will keep labels aligned. To do that, click on the first label that will be the reference label, then click on LINK and select the following labels that will be on their right. To unlink all labels, just click UNLINK and select the group of labels that were linked.
The same process works for GND, which represents the labels for ground traffic. To copy the currently selected type of label to all others (NORMAL, ASSUMED, OR SELECTED), for example, copy NORMAL to ASSUMED and SELECTED on AIR, click on Copy ALL. Same thing on GND
This bar has four (4) main sections where you may also extend these sections by selecting these different buttons.
This button, when enabled (BOLD), lets you open up to 8 new radar windows, so for example when controlling a large area, with multiple airports, you can open an INSET and zoom to each airport. You can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + 1 to 8.
Inside an INSET window, you can select V.PR from the PREF BAR to use that window as vertical profile.
You can select DEFINE VERT. PROF. to define where the profile begins.
This button, when enabled (BOLD), lets you work with labels of aircraft, HALO radius, Range Rings distance and aircraft speed vectors.
Also, you can move the aircraft labels using the “Mouse Wheel button” or holding SHIFT.
You can use the Spaced Traffic Vector function to have spaces, indicating 30 seconds, 1 minute or 2 minutes on the speedvector of Traffic.
This can be activated from PVD>SETTINGS>VECTOR>Traffic vector spaced, time spaced vector and space spaced vector.
This button, when enabled (BOLD), lets you display or hide some information of the Sector File (radar screen content) like Airports, Runways, Buildings, etc.
By pressing SHIFT + GEO, if defined in your sectorfile, you can see a list of where you can enable/disable or change the color of certain things.
The WXR button has 3 states:
WXR off (grey)
WXR on (white) → Shows precipitation.
SAT on (white) → Shows clouds
Shift + WXR → Open Weather overlay panel
To enable weather maps, select Set Overlay Area, hold shift and left-click drag a rectangle. Aurora will download overlay tiles to cover your selected area.
This button, when enabled (BOLD), lets you display or hide some information of the Sector File (radar screen content) related to Navigation, like VORs, FIXs, Frequencies, Airways, etc.
Show, Hide or Manage VORs. If you press the shift key and press the VOR button, a list with all the available VOR’s will be displayed, where you can enable or disable each one to be displayed, clicking on the “eye” icon. Also, you can enable or disable all by pressing the buttons at the bottom of the window.
Show, Hide or Manage NDBs. If you press the shift key and press the NDB button, a list with all available NDBs will be displayed, where you can enable or disable each one to be displayed, clicking on the “eye” icon. Also, you can enable or disable all by pressing the buttons at the bottom of the window.
Show, Hide or Manage FIXs. If you press the shift key and press the FIX button, a list with all available FIXs will be displayed, where you can enable or disable each one to be displayed, clicking on the “eye” icon. Also, you can enable or disable all by pressing the buttons at the bottom of the window.
You can use the buttons on the bottom to filter FIXES.
- TERM: Terminal Fixes
- ENR: Enroute Fixes
- BND: Boundary Fixes
Range rings' and labels' colour can be edited via the COLORS (F5) menu:
Aurora allows ATC to record their session. You can enable/disable Session Recorder from PVD → Settings → Other. To learn more, please check Settings.
You can view your previous ATC/Observer sessions by pressing REPLAY on the Title Bar.
e.g. 20211020180422
- After every adjustment in time slider, please wait up to 5 seconds for Aurora to refresh.
Force Act
Field | Description |
ALT | Current Altitude |
ALT A | Assigned Altitude |
ALT C | Assigned Cruising Altitude |
SPD | Current Speed |
SPD A | Assigned Speed |
VS | Vertical Speed (Rate of climb/descend) |
DEST | Destination |
WP | Waypoint |
AIRCR | Aircraft Type Designator |
QDM can also be created by double-clicking an aircraft label or anywhere on your PVD.
A second double-click pins the QDM line.
A third double-click deletes the QDM.
More info soon.
Set Centerpoint
Reset Centerpoint
Bay List
Pref bar
Menu bar
at the end of the callsign, visible to every ATC.Currently Aurora has the following functional shortcuts:
F1 : Open Sector Definition List
F2 : Reset Zoom place to profile's saved zoom
F3 : Supervisor module
F4 : Save Profile
F5 : Open Colorscheme editor
F6 : Open Soundscheme editor
F7 : Open Settings editor
F8 : Show Flightplan window
+ / - : Zoom in / out
z : Assume/Release (selected label)
q : Request SSR Code
w : Add Waypoint (selected label)
a : Add Altitude (selected label)
s : Add Speed (selected label)
t : Transfer (selected label)
x : Send Text (selected label)
TAB: View the route of the selected aircraft
CTRL + G : GEO Bar
CTRL + N : NAV Bar
CTRL + Q : Show / Hide VOR's
CTRL + W : Show / Hide NDB's
CTRL + E : Show / Hide Fixes
CTRL + F : Show / Hide Frequencies
CTRL + V : Show / Hide VFR Fixes
CTRL + SHIFT + V : Show / Hide VFR Route
CTRL + M : Show / Hide MRVA
CTRL + H : Show / Hide High Airway
CTRL + L : Show / Hide Low Airway
CTRL + S : Show / Hide All Labels
CTRL + R : Show / Hide Range Rings
CTRL + T : Show / Hide Vectoring T
CTRL + X : Show / Hide Mouse Area
CTRL + A : Show / Hide Aiports
CTRL + SHIFT + C : Show / Hide Coastlines
CTRL + SHIFT + D : Show / Hide Gates
CTRL + C : Copy mouse coordinates
ALT + A : Show / Hide ATC Online
ALT + Q : Show / Hide Danger Areas
ALT + W : Show / Hide Prohibited Areas
ALT + E : Show / Hide Restricted Areas
CTRL + 1 : Open INSET 1
CTRL + SHIFT + 1: Open INSET 1 at Main Screen Zoom level
CTRL + 2 : Open INSET 2
CTRL + SHIFT + 2: Open INSET 2 at Main Screen Zoom level
CTRL + 3 : Open INSET 3
CTRL + SHIFT + 3: Open INSET 3 at Main Screen Zoom level
CTRL + 4 : Open INSET 4
CTRL + SHIFT + 4: Open INSET 4 at Main Screen Zoom level
CTRL + 5 : Open INSET 5
CTRL + SHIFT + 5: Open INSET 5 at Main Screen Zoom level
CTRL + 6 : Open INSET 6
CTRL + SHIFT + 6: Open INSET 6 at Main Screen Zoom level
CTRL + 7 : Open INSET 7
CTRL + SHIFT + 7: Open INSET 7 at Main Screen Zoom level
CTRL + 8 : Open INSET 8
CTRL + SHIFT + 8: Open INSET 8 at Main Screen Zoom level