A.1.1 Aerodrome Control: All DEL, GND and TWR positions.
A.1.2 Terminal Control: All APP and DEP positions or TWR positions with TMA responsibilities.
A.1.3 Area Control: All ACC positions responsible for CTA and UTA airspace.
A.1.4 FSS: Stations performing the function of Flight Service Station.
A.2.1 Aerodrome Control Regulations
A.2.2 Terminal Control Regulations
A.2.3 Area Control Regulations
A.3.1 FRA Regulations
A.3.2 Scheduling System Regulations
B.1 Rules and Regulations
B.2 Executive Director Elections
B.3 Board Advisory Council
D.1 Manipulation
All websites and tools are owned and copyrighted by/to IVAO. Any attempts of decompiling, exploiting, hacking and any other kind of activities in the purpose of gaining access to restricted/encrypted material or areas, are strictly prohibited.
Users that discover any security related issue in IVAOs software are encouraged to report it to DevOps in order to get the problem solved. Exploiting or disclosing the issue to third parties is prohibited. If such activities are detected and/or not being reported to appropriate instances (i.e. DevOps or Infrastructure Services), an appropriate sanction (i.e. suspension) may be imposed by the Executive Council.
D.2 Flight data tracking
According to IVAO R&R 2.1.12 members details are confidential. Confidentiality means – in relation with flight data tracking – that only IVAO users are allowed to view flights from others. Divisions using their own flight data tracking system are required to ensure privacy requirements are met at all times. If DevOps are notified about a violation of this rule, the access to Whazzup (see Regulation D.4 below) may be revoked.
D.3 Login API approval
Requests from other parties then the before mentioned will be declined.
D.4 Whazzup usage (live network data)
D.5 Hosting divisional websites on HQ Servers
D.6 Access to divisional website content
D.7 Backup of divisional websites
Every division – regardless if they are being hosted on IVAO HQ servers or not – are required to regularly (at least once per quarter) send backups of their websites to DevOps. This backup must contain all files, databases, offered downloads (e.g. Charts (if being offered), Sectorfiles, …) and other related things, which are needed for running the website. The division DIR/ADIR/WM/AWM are responsible for this process.
D.8 Regularly change of access credentials
E.1.1 Organisation, planning, and/or participation at any IVAO Event is to be conducted in accordance with all IVAO Rules, Regulations & Policies.
E.1.2 All IVAO Events must be booked in the IVAO Calendar System and published on the IVAO Events forum board, provided the proposed event is in accordance with E.1.1.
E.1.3 Divisions are allowed to host, extraordinarily, IVAO Division-only Events as long as these events are not booked in the HQ Calendar System by the Divisional Events Departments, therefore these events can only be published and advertised within their respective division.
E.1.4 Public Demonstration Events (PDEs): These can be requested by a division when intending to represent IVAO at a live stand (eg. Live fair, airshow...)
E.1.5 IVAO Events with HQ support, Memorial Events, Real Flight Events, Real Flight Operations Events, and Mega Slot Events require prior approval by the IVAO Events Department before these events are added to the IVAO Calendar System.
E.1.6 The maximum number of IVAO Events booked in the Calendar System is 4 (four) per day, inclusive of both Special Operations and Civil Events. The ratios for Special Operations and Civil Events may vary on any given day.
E.1.7 Multidivisional Events may be organised only if all involved divisions agree to participate in the event proposal. Divisional Events Departments requesting to host an event in a non-active division must request an Event Support Award from the HQ Events Department. For this type of event, the HQ Events Department, in coordination with the HQ ATC Operations Department, will organise ATC rostering.
E.2.1 Only 2 (two) RFE/RFO/MSE Events are allowed per day. A gap of 6 hours is required between the completion of the first RFE/RFO/MSE and the beginning of the second RFE/RFO/MSE.
E.2.2 Users who book a flight slot in the divisional slot booking system for a RFE/RFO/MSE event will get priority to participate at the RFE/RFO/MSE Event. Participations without a booked slot are not eligible for the point towards the IVAO Events Support Award (if available).
E.2.3 Divisional Events Departments are required to publish their RFE/RFO/MSE Event announcement in the IVAO Events forum board no later than one (1) month before the event date. The divisional slot booking system must be available for bookings no later than fifteen (15) days before the event date.
E.2.4 Divisional Events Departments are required to follow the proper procedures to request, organise and host an RFE/RFO/MSE. The procedures are published in the IVAO Events Department Circulars.
E.3.1 An unlimited amount of Approved PDEs are allowed per day.
E.3.2 Any controllers or pilots directly involved in hosting i.e. Streaming the Public Demonstration Event must have in their ATIS/Flight Plan remarks the following notice: “Public Demonstration Event participant – Session recording/broadcasting approved”.
E.3.3 Divisional Events Departments are required to publish their PDE announcement in the IVAO Events forum board no later than one (1) month before the event date.
E.3.4 Divisional Events Departments are required to follow the proper procedures to request, organise, and host a PDE. The procedures are published in the IVAO Events Department Circulars.
E.4.1 Only one (1) IVAO Events Support Award or IVAO Connect Event Award is allowed per day.
E.4.2 The IVAO Events Department may approve exceptions for the E.4.1 regulation, provided the following conditions are met:
E.4.3 The IVAO Events Department implements a token system for the IVAO Events Support Award usage. The token system is as follows:
E.4.4 Divisional Events Departments, when hosting IVAO Events with HQ support, must assure that ATC coverage is guaranteed during the entirety of the event timeframe. Divisional Events Departments are also encouraged to use Air Traffic Flow Management procedures (e.g., booking slots, departure separation, etc) to avoid overflow of air traffic during events in this category.
E.4.5 Divisional Events Departments are required to publish their IVAO Event with HQ support in the IVAO Events forum board no later than fifteen (15) days before the event date, except in the cases described by E.2.3 and E.3.3.
E.4.6 Divisional Events Departments are required to follow the proper procedures to request, organise, and host an IVAO Events Support Award event. The procedures are published in the IVAO Events Department Circulars.
E.4.7 In case of participation in events integrating the IVAO Events Support Award that are taking place during a PDE or other live event using an “Event Account”, the participant’s IVAO VIDs must be submitted to the IVAO Events Department (events@ivao.aero) by the Divisional DIR/ADIR.
E.4.8 The IVAO Events Department can hold an unlimited number of events integrating the IVAO Events Support Award. The IVAO Events Department can hold twelve (12) events integrating the IVAO Connect Events Award per year.
E.4.9 The IVAO Connect Event type consists of six airports (two airports per division/area) agreed upon by the Divisional Events Department and the IVAO Events Department with a standard duration of at least four hours. The IVAO Events Department is solely responsible for the organisation of these events in non-active divisions and shall work in coordination with the Divisional Events Department in areas with active divisions.
E.5.1 Users participating in events integrating the IVAO Events Support Award must comply with the event’s requirements which are located in the forum in order to be eligible for the point towards the described award. Users participating in events integrating the IVAO Connect Events Award must comply with the event’s requirements which are located in the forum in order to be eligible for the point towards the described award.
E.5.2 Participation in IVAO Events with HQ Support or IVAO HQ Events must be submitted via the IVAO Events Reporting System no later than one (1) month after the event date.
E.6.1 All IVAO Divisions are allowed to host a maximum of one (1) Divisional Online Day event per week.
E.6.2 All Divisional Online Days must be visible here: http://forum.ivao.aero/index.php?topic=333006.0.
E.6.3 Divisional Events Department are encouraged to avoid hosting Divisional-only Events (see E.1.3). If the usage of this event category becomes necessary, Divisional Events Department are advised to avoid hosting these events during the timeframe of important events in the network such as PDEs, RFEs, RFOs, MSEs, et cetera.
E.7.1 All User Events must follow the User Events Guidelines and Procedures published here: http://forum.ivao.aero/index.php?board=1604.0.
X.1.1 Executive Assistants are recommended by the respective Service (following the selection process) to the Executive Council, who appoint them following approval by the BoG within a period of 5 days. Department Directors and Assistant Directors are appointed by the Executive Council (following the selection process), and approval by the BoG within a period of 5 days. Following a resignation of a Department Director, the Executive Council can:
X.1.2 Department Directors and Assistant Directors are representatives of the organisation for their departments. Their responsibility, in addition to the functions of the position, is to support and assist the Executive Council inside the departments.
X.1.3 The official communication channels between a department and the Executive Council are the IVAO forum, IVAO staff e-mail, IVAO NOTAM system and the IVAO Staff Discord server.
X.2.1 Division and Department HQ are appointed by the Executive Council. Divisional staff members are appointed by the respective Division HQ. Departmental staff members are selected by HQ Department Directors and appointed by the respective Service. All staff members, after being appointed in a position, shall be on trial for a minimum of 3 months.
X.2.2 The following age requirements applies for the respective positions at the time of appointment:
X.2.3 The following rating requirements applies for the respective positions at the time of appointment:
X.2.4 In order for a user to be eligible for a division staff position, a minimum membership duration of 3 consecutive months is required in the respective active division. This regulation does not apply to the construction of a new division.
X.2.5 To be eligible for a staff position, a user must have had an active registration with IVAO for a minimum of 6 months.
X.2.6 Staff producing any material such as, but not limited to, websites, software and systems are required to sign an IVAO Copyright Agreement. All staff will be required to sign an IVAO NDA. Prospective staff members, under the age of 18, and their legal guardian will be required to fill in and sign an NDA (and a Copyright Agreement, if necessary) before appointment as a staff member commences. NDAs and Copyright Agreements for staff members over the age of 18, must be signed within 7 days of the appointment.
X.2.7 The Division Director (DIR) or Assistant Director (ADIR) must be a resident in the country of the division. For a multi-country division, the Division Director (DIR) or Assistant Director (ADIR) must be resident in one of the countries participating in the multi-country division.
X.2.8 Staff members are prohibited from holding any staff position(s) of any competing organisation.
X.2.9 All staff members must comply, as a minimum, with their role descriptions located on the IVAO Wiki.
X.2.10 A user can only hold divisional staff position(s) in their respective division unless they are participating in the Secondment Programme. Any user may not hold more than four (4) staff positions in total.
X.2.11 Staff members shall not store any data containing personal information related to IVAO, on any physical media, or in any software databases or repositories, as well as any online cloud storage which is outside the realm of the IVAO VZW.
X.2.12 Staff members must always act as good representatives of IVAO, towards users and the general public, and always ensure to act within the IVAO Rules, Regulations and procedures.
X.2.13 For a resignation from a Division Director (DIR) or Assistant Director (ADIR) to be accepted, the resignation must be sent from their IVAO e-mail account to Local Services and must contain a proposal(s) for suitable successor candidate(s), as well as a proper handover process.
X.2.14 Staff that are not fulfilling the above requirements may be removed from their position.
X.2.15 All Division staff are required to comply with all GDPR policies and guidelines. If a Division does not comply with, or respond to any GDPR requests within 7 days, then a reminder email will be sent. If there is still no answer 14 days after the original request was sent, then the status of the Division will be set to Under Construction.
X.3.1 Only IVAO staff members can hold a Supervisor status.
X.3.2 Directors and Assistant Directors (both Departmental and Divisional) are automatically eligible to become a Supervisor, as long as the other Supervisor requirements are also met.
X.3.3 An IVAO staff member can be nominated to become a Supervisor by any Division HQ or Department HQ.
X.3.4 Division HQ, can only nominate staff members in their own division to become Supervisors.
X.3.5 To be eligible as a Supervisor, the staff member must:
X.3.6 Supervisors represent the Executive Council in their roles and responsibilities, therefore they are appointed and disappointed by the Executive Council but are managed by Local Services.
X.3.7 Requirements, procedures and guidelines for Supervisors are established and maintained by Local Services.
X.3.8 All Supervisors are obligated to monitor and deal with requests and situations throughout the network, and while online, respond to all .wallops sent by any user, and for any reason, unless otherwise occupied.
X.3.9 Supervisors must follow and act in accordance to IVAO Rules and Regulations. In situations where supervisors don’t, these cases must be reported to Local Services.
X.3.10 Any Supervisor’s actions that take place, without adhering to the guidelines will be subject to warnings and the possibility of having their Supervisor status revoked.
X.3.11 Supervisor status shall be granted to members of the Board Advisory Council in conjunction with access required for their function. They shall only act as network supervisors as approved by the Executive Council.
X.4.1 Every country is eligible for one IVAO Division or Mini Division. Every group of countries are eligible for one IVAO Multi Country Division or Mini Division. The ISO code of a division is assigned by the Executive Council.
X.4.2 There are three (3) types of divisions:
X.4.3 Local Services has full discretion in managing divisions including opening new divisions or multi-county divisions. To close a division or MCD, only the Executive Director for Local Services can propose the closure which then must be voted upon (by a simple majority) by all Executive Directors. Except, where a request submitted by the DPO for division or MCD closure is due to non-completion of GDPR requests.
X.4.4 Divisions may be requested to provide Local Services with quarterly, bi-annually or annually progress reports. If requested, the report must be submitted no later than 30 days after the request was made.
X.4.5 The only official communication channels between a division and its members are the IVAO forum, IVAO staff e-mail, IVAO NOTAM system, the division’s website and the divisional Discord Server.
X.5.1.1 The minimum staff position requirements for a Mini Division are:
X.5.1.2 The minimum staff position requirements for a Division and/or a Multi-Country Division are (the DIR should not hold more than 2 positions in total):
X.6.1.1 IVAO divisions are of different sizes and orientation and, as such, a number of additional staff positions may be required. Divisions and Multi-Country Divisions may request activation of Advisor positions, following the procedures published in our documentation.
X.6.1.2 The maximum number of Advisors in a division, is at the discretion of Local Services.
X.7.1.1 The proposing Division Director and any initial staff must meet the general IVAO Staff requirements as detailed in the Rules and Regulations.
X.7.1.2 To create a new division, the proposed Division Director and/or staff team shall prepare a proposal to be presented to Local Services, as published in the Division Creation Procedure.
X.8.1.1 A Division shall provide a website for users of the Division and IVAO. The website may be in the local language, but some content (stated below) shall also be in English. As a minimum, the website shall;
X.8.1.2 The website shall be hosted on IVAO VZW servers.
X.8.1.3 The website, once uploaded on the IVAO VZW server, becomes the intellectual property of IVAO.
X.8.1.4 Division HQ and Division Webmasters are responsible for all content on the website
X.8.1.5 Divisional websites may be taken offline by DevOps if an actual or potential legal or security risk is discovered. The division shall be responsible to remedy the situation prior to reactivation of the site.
X.9.1 The Executive Council (by way of a simple majority vote), reserves the right to waive any regulation or requirement, if deemed necessary on a case by case basis.
F.1 All Partnerships between IVAO and Virtual Airlines are the exclusive responsibility of the Flight Operations Department. Other types of partnerships or agreements between IVAO and Virtual Airlines (such as division-virtual airlines direct agreements) are only allowed if the Virtual Airline is an Official Partner Virtual Airline.
F.2 Registration
F.3 Management
F.4 Restrictions
Partner Organisational Virtual Airlines may have a commercial purpose, however, must comply with specific Partner Organisational Virtual Airlines regulations.
F.4.2 Partner Virtual Airlines are responsible for any information they submit to the IVAO database including, but not limited to, names and logos. The Partner Virtual Airline shall hold harmless and indemnify IVAO should a copyright claim arise. If a Virtual Airline simulates a real airline, it is the sole responsibility of the Virtual Airline to obtain and maintain approval from the copyright holder for use of any copyrighted and/or trademarked materials including, but not limited to, names, slogans, logos, etc.
F.4.3 Only Partner Virtual Airlines will have the right to maintain a registered ICAO code and callsign chosen during registration. ICAO code assignments follows ICAO DOC 8585 and the following additional conditions:
F.5 Requirements
Once the partnership approval process has been completed, the airline has 7 (seven) days to display the logo on its homepage.
F.6 Partner Organisational Virtual Airlines
M.1 The Membership Department reserves the right to request official identification in order to verify the identity of any member.
M.2 E-Mail addresses containing the word IVAO are not accepted for use on personal accounts.
M.3 A user may request to change their division once per 12 months. All transfers are subject to approval by the user’s prospective division and the Membership Department. For the right procedure please refer to: https://wiki.ivao.aero/en/home/members/faqs
P.1 For the public demonstration events procedure please refer to: https://doc.ivao.aero/events:procedures:pde
S.1.1 Special Operations on IVAO cover aerial military operations, aerial work, and other aviation activities that are not fully compliant with ICAO SARPs or civil aviation rules. This includes controlling military and non-civil air traffic services for such flights.
S.1.2 All terms and abbreviations used in these regulations are defined in the glossary.
S.1.3 Special Operations Regulations and any other addition (permanent or temporary) are mandatory for compliance by all IVAO users.
S.1.4 As per IVAO Rule 2.1.11: the simulation of real world ethnic, political or religious conflicts or problems including simulation of any form of war or aggression, are strictly prohibited.
S.1.5 Users are permitted to conduct humanitarian flights into areas affected by natural disasters. Pilots may fly into these areas even if they are outside the division stated in their profile. The Division Headquarters, the Division Special Operations Department, and the Headquarters Special Operations Department reserve the right to restrict flights in any specific area if they believe it could be disruptive or insensitive to those affected. Any such restrictions will be posted on the dedicated wiki page and via NOTAM.
S.1.6 Military operations constitute a significant part of Special Operations; the execution of specific military operations in full compliance with these regulations shall not be interpreted by spectators as a simulation of aggression. Furthermore, real-world perspectives or events shall not influence a spectator’s interpretation of military operations when they are being performed in compliance with these regulations.
S.1.7 All users are permitted to fly Special Operations flights within their own division, provided they adhere to all IVAO Rules and Regulations, including those specific to Special Operations.
S.1.8 Special Operations activities or operations may only be carried out by users within the airspace of their Division as stated on their profile. Exemptions to this are:
S.1.9 Divisions may permit all operations for foreign users. Any such permissions must be reported to the SO-HQ Department to be documented on this wiki page and included in the divisional SO Order.
S.1.10 It is prohibited to conduct Special Operations activities or military missions in a country without an active division. Non-military activities or operations are permitted, provided that the aircraft used are not capable of carrying weapons or munitions by design. Aircraft capable of carrying munitions may only transit through such countries and must not conduct any missions or Special Operations flights.
S.1.10.1: Individual users or Special Operations Groups (SOGs) can request permission to fly specific missions in a country without an active division by contacting the SO-HQ Department via email. The permit ID must be included in item 18 of the flight plan.
S.1.11 Aircraft shall not be flown in segregated or restricted airspace that has been published in a Division’s Special Operations Orders or on the IVAO NOTAM system except under the conditions of the airspace restrictions.
S.1.12: A user may perform interceptions, targeting, or escorting, provided that all parties involved (both the intercepting user(s) and the intercepted user(s)) have a written consent in place via private message through IVAO clients before the interception commences.
S.1.13 Formation flights shall not be considered as escorting unless explicitly stated. All parties involved shall agree to partake in any formation. Formation flying shall not be used as a means to intercept a user who does not wish to be intercepted.
S.1.14 IVAO users can obtain approval to conduct Special Operations in a Division other than that stated on their profile by emailing the relevant Divisional Special Operations Staff or Division HQ. Once permission has been granted, they may perform Special Operations in that Division with no additional restrictions placed. This permission is not required by some divisions and will be stated in the Division’s Special Operations Order if applicable.
S.2.1 Any pilot can provide AAR to others on any occasion, this activity won’t be restricted to only events, following these guidelines:
S.2.2 In cases where both tanker and receivers are flying together and perform AAR enroute, it is allowed as long as they are in formation.
S.3.1 The use of any form of weapon against civilian objects, structures, aircraft, or individuals, whether explicit or implicit, is strictly prohibited. Participants in Special
Operations Events that involve the use of weapons are also prohibited from using them against any other traffic not partaking in the event.
S.3.2 The use of weapons is only authorized within designated special areas published on the IVAO data system and declared as “Weapon Ranges” by the corresponding Divisional Special Operations Staff or the Special Operations HQ Department.
S.3.3 Users may only use weapons while operating within the airspace of their Division as stated in their profile, or if they have obtained permission to operate in a foreign Division as per S.1.8.
S.3.4 The final authority on the use of weapons within a Division rests with the Divisional Special Operations Staff, who will determine whether or not a range is established.
S.4.1 Any pilot is authorized to conduct AEW orbits at any time; this activity is not restricted to events. The same guidelines that apply to AAR must be followed, along with the additional guidelines outlined below.
S.4.2 AWACS pilots must operate the aircraft within an orbit; double connections (as both pilot and ABM). are forbidden.
S.4.3 Air Battle Managers (ABMs) and Combat Controllers are the operators of the AWACS radar and sensors, and they will connect using the specific connection ID defined by divisional SO staff. ABMs will not be allowed to operate as pilots.
S.4.4 ABM positions will be created upon request by email, in accordance with each divisional SO Order, in cases where an ABM_CTR position is required and there is no local SO Department. Contact HQ-SOD for further assistance.
S.4.5 Air Battle Management positions can be opened for events and Special Operations activities inside a division without any required coordination, as long as the user is authorized to do so by FRA, SO Order, or the SO Staff.
S.5.1 Special areas are designated pieces of airspace established to allow certain activities or operations to be conducted safely. These restrictions may be permanent or temporary and should, if possible, be based on a real-world equivalent. They must be established according to Special Operations Instruction No. 4.
S.5.2 Areas that permit the use of live ordnance or weapons shall be declared as a “Weapon Range.”
S.5.3 The following activities or operations listed below must utilize special areas designated for such activities when conducted on the IVAO network: application of weapons (S.3.2), air combat training, air-to-air refueling, the dropping of objects or paratroopers, and any other activities or operations likely to pose a hazard to civil aviation.
S.5.4 Segregated airspace may be created or requested by the following: Special Operations HQ (SOD, SOAD, SOAx or SOTx), Division HQ (DIR, ADIR), Division Special Operations Staff (SOC, SOAC, SOAx), Event organizing parties with permission from the host Division, Special Operations Groups for training, sent via their Divisional Special Operations staff.
S.5.5 Each active Division must establish at least one Special Area, which must be specified in their Divisional Special Operations Order. However, there are no minimum requirements for having a published Weapons Range. This requirement applies only if the country has at least one Special Area published in their AIP.
S.5.6 All special areas established in a Divisional Special Operations Order shall be activated by one of the following methods:
S.5.7 Temporary special areas can be established under the methods stated in S.5.6.2,
S.5.6.3 or S.5.6.4 without the need to be published in a Division Special Operations Order. In all instances, these temporary areas of airspace must be listed on the IVAO Data system.
S.6.1 The status of a Special Operations Group, and its acronym “SOG”, are explicitly reserved for use by approved groups that have achieved and maintained the standards and requirements as set out in Special Operations Instruction No. 1 and are listed on the Special Operations Group page.
S.6.2 Once a Special Operations Group has achieved this status, they receive access to extra privileges that not available to regular users, these include:
S.6.3 Unless specified in the Special Operations Groups’ own internal rules, a user may join any Special Operations Group and perform flights under their privileges irrespective of their Division stated on their profile.
S.6.4 Special Operations Group (SOG) users can be identified as such by including "IVAOSOG/XXX" in item 18 of their flight plan, where "XXX" is the ICAO code of the SOG.
S.6.5 A Special Operations Group is tied to their founding user’s Division as of the time of filing an application to become a Special Operations Group. This country will be known as the Special Operations Group’s ‘country of registration’.
S.6.5.1 If a change in CEO occurs and the new CEO is from a different division than the initial one, or if the CEO transfers to a different division, the country of registration must be updated accordingly.
S.6.6 Special Operations Groups may only operate in their country of registration unless they meet one of the following conditions:
S.6.7 Groups wishing to become an approved Special Operations Group must follow the procedure and meet the requirements as stated in Special Operations Instructions No. 1.
S.6.8 Special Operations Groups are required to continuously meet the requirements outlined in Special Operations Instruction No. 1. The Special Operations Department will conduct an annual audit to ensure compliance with these requirements. If any deficiencies are found, the group will be given a three-month period to address and rectify all deficiencies to maintain their Special Operations Group status.
S.7.1 International Special Operations Events may be organized by Special Operations HQ, Divisional Special Operations Staff and approved Special Operations Groups. Initial approval for these events lies with the host division, while final approval is given by Special Operations HQ. International Special Operations Events are the only type of event where members can earn points towards a Special Operations Award. These events are open to all IVAO users
S.7.2 Divisional Events are localized events targeted at users of the host division and do not require approval from Special Operations HQ. However, they must abide by Special Operations Regulations and may not award Special Operations Points.
S.7.3 An International Special Operations Event may be run in parallel, or concurrently with an ordinary network event. However, participants of the International Special Operations Event will be unable to claim points or awards for participation in the ordinary network event, unless explicitly stated in the forum.
S.7.4 International Special Operations Events shall be created and conducted in accordance with Special Operations Instruction No. 5.
S.7.5 Divisional Special Operations Events shall be created and conducted in accordance with Special Operations Instruction No. 6.
S.7.6 Users who do not register on the Special Operations HQ website for events requiring mandatory registration may not be allowed to participate or be eligible to receive points for the Special Operations Awards. However, the organizing party reserves the right to allow participation and award points at their discretion.
S.7.7 A Special Operations Event shall only take place in the Division where the event organizer (Division Staff or Special Operations Group founding user) is registered, unless the event is co-organized with another Division(s).
S.7.8 For participation in an International Special Operations event, each participant, whether Air Traffic Controllers or Pilots, will be awarded two (2) Special Operations points per event. If the event is held over multiple days, the participant will be awarded one (1) Special Operations point for each day they attend.
S.7.8.1 Additional points may be awarded by Special Operations HQ if they determine that participation in multi-day events merits more than one (1) point per day. This decision is at the complete discretion of Special Operations HQ.
S.7.9 Special Operations HQ wishes to acknowledge the contribution members make to the Department by attending and supporting events. Accumulated points contribute towards Special Operations Awards and the requirements to achieve each one are detailed on the Special Operations Awards page.
S.8.1 There are two types of Special Operations Tours that can be established: Special Operations HQ World Tour and Division Special Operations Tour.
S.8.2 World Tours are created and managed by Special Operations HQ with tour legs moderated by World Tours HQ and/or Special Operations HQ. Any flight flown for these tours shall be logged on https://www.wt.ivao.aero.
S.8.3 Any IVAO user may participate in any Special Operations Tour: both Divisional and World Tour
S.8.4 Divisional Special Operations Tours are developed and managed by the Divisional Special Operations Staff of the respective Division following Special Operations Instruction No. 6a.
S.8.5 Divisional Special Operations Tours must be available in English. They can be hosted either on the Division’s website or via the IVAO Tours System.
S.8.6 Divisional Special Operations Tours that do not include activities or operations classified as Special Operations under these regulations will not be classified as Special Operations Tours.
S.8.7 Divisional Special Operations Tours may include segments in another Division's airspace besides their own, but these tours must be co-organized with the other Division. For non-active divisions, no approval is required, but the Special Operations HQ Department reserves the right to impose operational restrictions.
S.8.8 The use of weapons in SO Tours is permitted only inside a weapon range within an active division.
S.9.1 A Divisional Special Operations Department is considered to be active if it has at least 1 Special Operations Coordinator appointed, and a Divisional Special Operations Order approved and published.
S.9.2 The following duties and responsibilities fall under Division HQ concerning Special Operations:
S.9.3 All Special Operations Coordinators, Special Operations Assistant Coordinators, and Special Operations Advisors must be members of the Special Operations Discord Server.
S.9.4 The duties outlined in Regulation S.9.2.2 are considered generic. For a detailed list of duties for Divisional Special Operations Staff to comply with, refer to the IVAO Roles and Responsibilities Wiki page.
S.10.1 Divisional Special Operations Orders are an extension of the Special Operations Regulations for a Division, and compliance with such orders is mandatory when conducting Special Operations within the respective Division
S.10.2 Special Operations Orders shall be created in accordance with Special Operations Instruction No. 3.
S.10.3 Special Agreements are documents that establish a formal agreement between multiple parties.
S.10.4 Special Agreements are detailed documents that define procedures or protocols between parties, or they can serve as exemptions from the Special Operations Regulations and other published documents.
S.10.5 Internal regulation documents, guidelines, or procedures must be followed by both Divisional Staff and HQ Staff. The current list of Special Operations Instructions are as follows:
T.1 IVAO examination regulations and GCAs are controlled by the IVAO HQ Training Department. None of the published IVAO Training Department procedures and/or regulations shall be altered, without prior written approval by the Training Director and/or Training Assistant Director.
T.2 Divisions may require members of foreign divisions to obtain a Guest Controller Approval before providing ATC services. Divisions shall announce their participation and publish their requirements on the division’s website. Such GCA requirement(s) shall be published on the division website in English language.
T.3.1 IVAO pilot and/or ATC exams can only be performed in approved IVAO divisions which are assigned by the Training Director and/or Training Assistant Director. The approved divisions shall be published on the IVAO website.
T.3.2 IVAO users can not apply for an IVAO exam outside the division they are registered with.
T.3.3 Exam procedures and marking standards are solely to be determined by the HQ Training Department. Divisions not executing the proper procedures and marking standards, may have their pilot and/or ATC examiner assignment revoked.
T.3.4 IVAO exams shall be assessed on the IVAO network via approved IVAO software. Approval of the IVAO software for exams is determined by the Training Director and/or Training Assistant Director and shall be published on the IVAO website.
T.3.5 Practical IVAO exams may only be assessed by IVAO training staff with an active IVAO examiner status. Approval of IVAO examiners shall be granted by the Training Director and/or Training Assistant Director. Approval of staff exams shall be done by the Training Director, Training Assistant Director and/or Senior Regional Training Advisors.
T.3.6 All IVAO exam results are pending validation by the Training Director, Training Assistant Director and/or Senior Regional Training Advisors. Successful completion of the exam after validation by IVAO HQ, will result in the equivalent ATC or pilot rating being assigned to the user. This rating may be revoked/downgraded if certain standards are no longer met.
T.3.7 IVAO users can be suspended or excluded from IVAO exams for reasons of exam fraud, scoring 10% or less on an exam or violation of the IVAO Rules and Regulations. The type and length of exclusion is determined by the Training Director and/or Training Assistant Director.
T.3.8 The ratings of SFI/SAI are assigned to Senior Regional Training Advisors. They are assigned and revoked by the Training Director and/or Training Assistant Director. The rating of CFI/CAI is honorary and assigned by the Executive Council to the Training Director and Training Assistant Director. This rating is not removed upon resignation from the position of Training Director and/or Training Assistant Director.
T.3.9 After switching divisions, users may not request any practical exam for 90 days. Exceptions can be made by the Training Director and Training Assistant Director after consultation with the division’s Senior Regional Training Advisor.
T.3.10 Only users with an active account are allowed to request and perform exams. Users with inactive or suspended accounts are excluded from requesting and/or performing exams until their status is active again.
WT.1 Flights must be completed in real-time mode (1x sim rate). No other mode (slew or acceleration) is permitted on the IVAO Network.
WT.2 Flights must be completed online using real-weather injection from the simulator (if available) or from software capable of providing real-weather.
WT.3 Legs need to be flown in the correct order and a PIREP must be submitted within 7 days. PIREP’s must be reported in UTC format as 'Take-Off' and 'Landing' times.
WT.4 After connecting to the network, your aircraft must be stationary (park brake ON), on the apron or at the gate for a minimum of 1 minutes. After landing and taxiing to the apron or to the gate, your aircraft must be stationary (park brake ON) while still online for a minimum of 1 minutes.
WT.5 After completing a flight and after waiting for 1 minutes, you must disconnect from the network before starting your next flight.
WT.6 A maximum disconnection time of 30 minutes will be accepted for flights longer than 2 hours, due to a simulator or PC crash (you must report UTC times with a brief explanation when submitting the flight). When reconnecting to the network, your flight must be initiated no further than 100 NM from the point of disconnection.
WT.7 Unless the published limits of the airspace allows, or unless instructed by online ATC, the Maximum Allowed Speed below FL100 (10000 ft) is 250KIAS.
WT.8 The pilot is responsible for ensuring the flight plan is correct before departing. Flights with the wrong: a) ICAO codes for Departure / Destination / Alternate Airports, or b) Flight Rule Type, or c) with incorrect Aircraft information, after take-off, will not be accepted. If the flight plan is changed after take-off or after landing for a) or b) or c) until disconnection (even if you submit a next flightplan), the leg will not be accepted!
WT.9 Flight plans with a valid route are required. Flights with DCT where there is a valid real life route and/or DCT/GPS or simple DCT as a route in the flight plan will not be accepted! Composite flight plans Y and Z, will be accepted only if the departure/destination airport requires so. Legs that allow composite flight plans are indicated in the description of the tour/leg.
WT.10 Your flight plan must include at least one real alternate airport. It is the pilot’s responsibility to ensure a valid alternate airport is included in your flight plan. The departure or destination airport of that leg (or next leg) will not be accepted as a valid alternate, with the exception that the departure or destination airport is remote. The legs which feature remote airports are indicated in the description of the leg.
WT.11 As Pilot in Command (PIC), you must choose an aircraft that is suitable and can operate safely and within limits for every airport of the tour or as stated in the tour rules or leg description. See the description of the tour or the description of the leg. No refueling stop(s) or diversions to alternate are allowed.
WT.12 Every flight must include RMK/WORLDTOUR in the remarks section of your flight plan.
WT.13 Every World Tour will also include separate and specific regulations that apply only to that World Tour. These regulations are published on the description page of the tour. These regulations are in addition to the regulations here.